Programming Course Submission System

The Programming Course Submission System will help students attending the programming course with their submissions. Experience shows, that solutions for programming assignments are often submitted in a defective state: Files may have been forgotten or the wrong version could be accidentally handed in. Until now tutors had to find these errors themselves and notify students after the assignment deadline. GRIT will check submissions before the deadline for completeness and basic correctness. If some files are missing, the student will be notified. This way the students can rest assured that their submissions are valid, while tutors will save lot of time wasted on fixing trivial mistakes. This way GRIT will improve programming courses for both sides.

Please check back later for more updates as the project progresses.

GRIT will be released on 2014-08-06

2014-05-14: We delivered the first prototype!

The first sprint is over and we accomplished to deliver the first prototype. We focused on the parts of the GRIT we will absolutely need for a successful project.

This includes the four fundamental parts of the project:

  • compression of folders to zip-archives and decompression of zip-archives to folders
  • test the submissions with the Java compiler to find errors and warnings
  • test the submissions with provided JUnit tests to get a list of all submissions that don't run correctly or as specified
  • send mails to later inform the students about the status of their submissions

All these parts have been successfully implemented and combined to build our first prototype.

Additionally we delivered our product plan presentation on 2014-05-13. Download the presentation slides.

2014-06-03: Second Milestone completed

The second sprint incorporated the central components of the first sprint into a system that can already acquire data on its own from SVN repositories. Also the results of checking the submissions can now be accessed via a web-backend.

The main advancements during sprint 2 were:

  • Acquisition of submissions from an SVN repository
  • Construction of a web-backend used for configuration and downloading the results
  • Internal improvements to data structures to enable parallel checking of submissions

All in all GRIT is on time and all core features are working to specification.

2014-06-15: Third Milestone completed

Our third sprint is done! During this sprint we improved the user interface and added new data sources for submissions. Beyond that many internal improvements were made.

Sprint 3 brought the following additions:

  • ILIAS-Integration: GRIT can now acquire submissions from ILIAS.
  • Security has been improved by adding encryption routines for password storage.
  • Scorecards have been overhauled.
  • PDF generation on Windows has been implemented.
  • Logging of errors has been added.

2014-07-02: Fourth Milestone completed

Sprint four introduced additional features that introduce use casey beyonf java submissions

This happened in Sprint 4:

  • The working title GRIT is dropped in favour of GRade IT (GRIT).
  • GCC can be used to compile submissions. C and C++ submissions are now supported.
  • GHC can be used to compile submissions. Haskell and literate Haskell submissions are now supported.
  • Complete submission checking runs with fetching SVN and ILIAS are now possible
  • Many internal improvements
The planned release date still remains on 2014-08-06.