Get to know the team

We are a team of students from the University of Konstanz. Our goal is to deliver an excellent product.

Go on and click on the images for further information about the members of our team.

Marvin Gülzow

Project Manager

Marvin is our team leader and as such he is in close contact with the customer to make sure the project stays on track. As the product owner he is responsible that our product meets the expectations of our customer. He is devoted to delivering a high quality product.

Marvin Gülzow is currently studying Computer Science at the University of Konstanz.

Contact Marvin

Gabriel Einsdorf

Infrastructure, Scrum Master

Gabriel Einsdorf fills several roles in our team: As the infrastructure manager he makes sure that our tools and services are well configured and well understood.
As the scrum master he ensures that our agile development process runs smoothly. His focus lies on facilitating the work of our team.

Gabriel Einsdorf is currently studying Information Engineering at the University of Konstanz.

Contact Gabriel

David Kolb

Development, Graphics

David Kolb is not just one of our Developers, he is also a talented graphics artist. He designs many of our graphical deliverables, the most public example being our team logo.

David Kolb is currently studying Information Engineering at the University of Konstanz.

Contact David

Eike Heinz

Development, I/O

Eike Heinz is a Developer, who's main responsibility lies with the I/O systems of GRIT. Furthermore he reviews all our code, to ensure it complies with our high code quality standards.

Eike Heinz is currently studying Information Engineering at the University of Konstanz.

Contact Eike

Fabian Marquart

Development, UI

Fabian Marquart develops the communication back end of our product and is responsible for documentation and testing. Furthermore, he is in charge of interface design. With his understanding for human computer interaction and aesthetics he creates beautiful and rich user interfaces.

Fabian Marquart is currently studying Computer Science at the University of Konstanz.

Contact Fabian

Marcel Hiller

Development, Documentation

Marcel Hiller is a developer and in charge of documentation. Besides various coding work, he creates the documentation and presentation materials for our team.

Marcel Hiller is currently studying Computer Science at the University of Konstanz.

Contact Marcel

Stefano Woerner

Domain Expert, Website, Development

Stefano Woerner has first hand experience with the target domain of GRIT, allowing us to better understand what our customer needs. He is also our expert for web technologies and web development.

Stefano Woerner is currently studying Computer Science and Physics at the University of Konstanz.

Contact Stefano

Thomas Schmidt

Development, Testing

Thomas Schmidt is rigorously testing our code base to ensure that we meet our quality goals.

Thomas Schmidt is currently studying Computer Science at the University of Konstanz.

Contact Thomas